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Art Work

“Paintings are but research and experiment. I never do a painting as a work of art. All of them are research. I search constantly and there is a logical sequence in all this research.”

"Pablo Picasso "



A boy or a girl 

an identity the world can’t quantify

The first-born child or the favoured one 

The only child or my father’s clone 

Who am I, 

Is this my dream, or someone else’s desire 

A baton exchange in this rat race 

Am I talented or just hardworking 

Am I an imposter 

mehnn…I haven’t even figured out walking 



Who am I 

A businessman, an entrepreneur, or a capitalist 

A smart mind, a good eye, or an opportunist taking advantage. 

A whale, a shark, a Siberian tiger, or a new creation 

A privileged white man or an inherited burden from a past generation

A lonely road or a glorified position 

The 1% or just an individual trying to transition

Who I am, is at whose expense?

My conscience, my life, a village, or an entire continent


Who am I 

The golden child with my golden boot

Accolades on accolades, part of the chosen few 

The retribution of my family

My family's pride and joy 

Verified, sort after, but no community to call mine

Envied by my own, taken advantage of but not stupid 

Can I say, “Mama I made it”, Send me your digits Love cupid

Or that’s just a covering for so many epic fails

A broken man with so many secrets 

A broken marriage hiding my mistress

Traditional but still modern

A global icon but still someone’s own son 


Who am I 

A house nigga, or a helper 

A true friend or a fiend 

A little finger 

profiting of people's identities in this Game of Thrones 

Glamorized as telling their story but not of your own

Are you a friend or a foe 

Or u just surviving holding on to something that Is not your own

Are they your insecure lifeline holding on for dear life 

Promoting their bad habits adding to your archives 

A father protecting his legacy 

This is my investment and the only lane I see



Who am I

A wife, a partner, a friend, or a side chick, 

A man I love, a culture I admire 

A fan or a fetish, my true love, or an experience I desire 

At home it’s all love, outside… I wish I wore gloves. 

Envied by his women, the gaze, the stares 

What then is home, what Is community, 

or am I overthinking, and this are just fears 




Home, community, family 

Is it the one you grew up with or the one you make 

Am I bearing the consequences of my forefathers 

a burden I didn’t undertake,

is this a whole big mistake, 

but do they know, I am his peace, 

his love, his heart ,When we kiss, 

I reminisce his love, his words,

Did I miss something that happened in history

Who am I is still a mystery, 


Who am I 

a mask 

A plaque, 

an artefact 

an object  

A heritage or a story 

Made from earth and to earth I return 

My identity misappropriated, my story lost

My people hide behind my face 

Will I be immortalised or be profited by my own race 

My gaze hides people intention

Do they know the real hands behind my invention 



Who are we 

a society 

Comfortable in social commentary 

Behind our phones, positions, or geo locations

Framed as Minding our business but really 

Better be safe than sorry. 

These grounds we walk on do they know the pain

Do they know the story 

Heroes with blood on their hands and we call it glory

Are we a race tired of past turmoil’s 

Or are we trying to unmask our heritage.


Who are we 

An observer 

A pacifist, An activist, 

An idea or a pawn 

A nation or an individual 


Who are u

The talent 

The middle man 

the benefactor 

The masked one

Or the forgotten ones 


Link to online poem: Who am I

A Poem by Tonye Ekine 



Behind the Scenes

Close Up Mask.png
Close Up Pet.png
Close Up Pop Culture .png

Year: 2022

Size: 190cm x 160cm

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas 

The Traveler's Head 



What goes on in my head, what goes on in my mind 

In the rain and darkness, Silence is all I find 

The Race to Riches, My Life in Stitches,

No women, no mistress, No Memory, just glitches, 


In this house of glass

My masks reside 

Like trophies on the wall

Evidence of my grind,


My identity, my cross, I leave behind.

As I sat in silence, in this world of mine


My masks tell the stories of the world untold 

Come in. Come all, outside is cold 

Grab a drink, grab a seat as I pass you this thread

let’s sit, and discuss, what goes on in my head.


The Traveler's Head 


Title: The traveler’s head

Size: 3.5ft x 3.5ft 

Material: Acrylic, Charcoal, and Graphite on Wood 



"Wo ju"

Year: 2023

Size: 49.5cm x 69cm

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas 


If I had to chose

Year: 2023

Size: 90cm x 90cm

Medium: Acrylic on Linen 



If I had to chose

Year: 2023

Size: 90cm x 90cm

Medium: Acrylic on Linen 


A Distant Memory

Year: 2023

Size: 49cm x 69cm

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas 




Year: 2022

Size: 180cm x 60cm

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas 


Cherry on top

Year: 2023

Size: 180cm x 60cm

Medium: Acrylic on Linen



Center of Attention

Year: 2023

Size: 180cm x 120cm

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas 


The Calm Within

Year: 2023

Size: 90cm x 90cm

Medium: Acrylic on Canvas 




Year: 2023

Size: 180cm x 60cm

Medium: Acrylic on Linen 



Date night

Year: 2023

Size: 180cm x 150cm

Medium: Acrylic on Linen

© 2022 by Taken LTD. 

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